perform such other duties as may be as- 
signed him by the judges or Board of Gov- 
ernors, and who shall receive such compen- 
sation as may be determined by the Board 
of Governors. 
  17. "Objectionable Dogs..-Dogs afflicted 
with any contagious disease, or bitches in 
season, or unduly attracting attention of the 
competing dog, will not be permitted on the 
grounds, and must be withdrawn at the dis- 
cretion of the judges. 
  18. Protest.-All protests, when practi- 
cable, except as hereinbefore provided, must 
be made and delivered to the secretary of 
the Association, or in case of his absence, to 
the president, or in case of his absence, to 
a member of the governing committee, at 
or before midnight of the day of running 
the final heat in the second stake. 
  19. Time of Heats.--Every brace in the 
trials shall be run for not less than twenty 
minutes, and for such additional time as the 
judges may require to determine the re- 
spective merits of the dogs. 
   20. Unproductive Points. - Every    dog 
 shall have ample opportunity to discover 
 whether he is on a true point. Pointing fur, 
 feather, retile or scent of game birds shall 
 not be considered an unproductive point. No 
 assistance shall be given by the handler to 
 enable a dog to discover whether he is on a 
 true point. 
   21. Backing-Holding Dog on Point.-A 
dog should be held on a point for the pur- 
pose of allowing the judges to see the dog 
on Point (only). Dogs should be brought 
up to back only when opportunity offers 
without interfering with the pointing dog; 
and a dog drawing on or pointing game