File, Washingon V 
                                              Nfw Soils Building 
                                              Augut 29, 193~4 
Mr. 1. Dick ah,~itll 
?1 0. BOX )1137 
Portland, Orqpa 
Dear Mr. wuvhillt 
          I am 41digted to know of yor goat stu, 'bt I kmw so 
litti. about them that XV long-distance mgestionf are liaible to 
be worth othing 
         You of mires have the. U.,3J,S. "Otline f~r U~a--iaa 
Life Histo   *idhi wre  all the asual polnts, but ony a fw  t 
these hav      d   o bearing on oa          T h&e outline fails to 
eahsia     (1) the gg  gtino    the herd by sex an apt (2) the 
Mgb    rate of repodution, and of survival (as ooprdwith brood'- 
lag potmtial). 
         You will,, of oaueso, try to spot the key food~s at the 
otaeal 0   sn. 
          Does the tb versit t$.-Ae you for a period of years? 
I wazt to know in order to olasisify this project in zVrttrs 
                           'fours sicerel#, 
                                 In Charge, G  Rs 
S.B If you get really ito this, we miht get the        an Crockett 
Club to help. A.L.