AN OLD TIMER SPEAKS             (Cont. from page 9) 
ing either from shore or boats. A large variety of large 
and small fish can be taken from these waters at any sea 
son of the year. Giant mantarays may be taken in abun- 
dance during the month of July. This must be done in 
large boats with harpoon and extra strong line. Also 
during July and August, swordfish are plentiful 
    Port Libertad is isolated and away from all habitation 
and affords a quiet and unmolested recreational area. The 
sea is generally calm and small boats may be launched 
from the beach at most any time. Small and latrge boats 
are available at a very moderate cost during the Fall, 
Winter and Spring months. The climate is most ideal, 
the scenery is attractive. 
    The w'irter selected this place, many years ago as 
his happy hunting and fishing grounds and has never had 
reason to regret it, nor find any other locality in the 
Gulf of California to equal its abundance of game, fish 
or climatical conditions and fresh waters. 
                                HARRY J. KARNS 
    Alex Joffrob & Co. 
                Custom H4ouse 
      Srokers & Forwarding Agents. 
        Zhe Leading Srokers of Clnogales, Son. 
               Established Since 1905 
 Tp. O. SBox %12o. 48            'P. . Box 'fo. 800 
   qnosales, Son.                    'flogales, Ariz. 