Of the 
                   XOVA.KI$SOUPI SOUNDAT 
              SqSual arse a petonat&l Csah srop on town farns, 
especiai1ly on the silW,  terse of a* sonuthern sountloe. no 
first stop in appwsieoiu th poesibilitioo of quail stepping is 
to   aosurs the Stants of quail whic we new have, gad to flnt Out 
ko* those stands vary with foot4, sover, soil. n etcher enaviros 
mental eeuti tien. 
          It to a nset questiou wtother, and ut   hat eentdtiso.e 
quall shooting so 'b safely legallet. It W    threw so  1iet 
on the   wstion to  *pyavo the stand* of qail on the Missou-i 
sid, o whe" shooting has 'bon legal, with the stands on similar 
aios on the tows   its., whero shooting ha. been i11l4. 
         P1210JED 031lJS ?L2O1l It to proposed to nonane nh 
 nbor of quail per Haer  e* a series of RaVlo at&as or ploto, 
 strong alone both sides of the tat*e line, from the iselestppi 
 River to the Missouri 1ivro. ROk plot should oontan btwooen 
 10 and 320 aore. Ivor Iowa plot should be   atsht by a stimlor 
 plot in Mlssevrt. soleoato to be *a nearly like It as possiblo 
 in *sIe, sell ant khintd mt, and tistribution of sever, foet, 
 pretatore, ste.  the Iowa plate should (inseofr as eon be to- 
 toruine4) have been uashet, nat the Missouri plots shot over. Xosh 
 plot shoult be a least tw  miles book from the stots Iin, so, 
 as to sinitlso any offset of fleow of birts aerose the bonusary, 
           t it proposed to selec* these plots, ant to sp., t- 
 wrk to to be.V tos bV Alo Leopold, In charge of the lowa (As 
 Sui"vend toI.. *o0e, )mntondin Foreteor in the low* Agrieulitzal 
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