New 30118 Buil'lu 
            SeMwot 5, 193 
Buea   of ntzasl Fbmattou 
Dear 1tont 
         I am very glu to hear that the to a prospect of you visiting 
this outrt, =a it is neeles for m6 to w~ that wWcneton        hc 
haye awe %t y-,Ya  11sposal. Th onl  one *1ia really nmts to wwthln 
is Dr. John 0. MewwIm of the CreleFa~tion. Dr. 1%riam is aleso 
very ative in the Natioza1 Reeic C~yt     l   4d. inci~tally, tie a ambe

of Its 0smttee on 19t14 Life Undies. His office t is   the Canei Buildin

    In Wahingon. a-ay~.%It to him two 70515 agO~psi nmn -an the fin~meta4

sch~e55 m&4* at Mname* semod to be molting awW, fow som ktl of support

for eoylo rom-h brit r1theut moesss at that time. I bell".touh 
that a p.esoml visit fro you wm      car a great deal of wIelA, Yo M 
use this letter as v7 r#N stion that he g~v  oonsi6erstio to you vor* 
ow, if y=~ thi preferble, I wmad be gla to send him a mor aotailo4~ 
argumet iu aticipation of wirvisit. 
         It aigs @@03r5 to me that Mr. JEW !T. w1arin, no chief ofth 
0,5, Biologica 9a  y Would be glad~ to join us in presenting this mattesr.

  Inan evet* If you. om over you *0114d nt lose the opportunity to mak 
his acquintan,   I kno h~im -ver well =~4 have often spke to him about 7M.

         Instead of coming over in l.ater Ocotber, wsX4 It be possible to

moftfy yourw plant so as to come overt &the time of the GaeC6frne 
which is usially the first week in Doomber, altbou$ the date for this year

hns not yet bai set? It wum1d be a gret epprtuait~ for the Coaferenoe to

got you to addres the gm research section. -AIic is alumys held InCor 
of the (;*It tee on Wil4 Life Staies of the Nationa Reed Counil at tba 
smes tim In order to cac the peorle *0h will be East fow the occaion, 
This woul also eable me to join yo in you repesenations to Dr. Meriam 
and Uw. Dalig   I am sning ,, .op of 1his letter to Seth 13or.s with the

" that he write yo this y"arls dats. Mr.    isdot preset
of th 
Ainwtosu Gam AsesoiAtion whid w~nar0s the0nerO* 
         tee. a sbou 0ld, of awwsoe, got the uinowish. data fow the nrhr

states In torm ompral to you   Cndadate. Osrain          o   icni 
have been In &re of WNallets Grang, id    unfow~atuty to quitting this

wor and liso making his wepowt. I woul4 wsuggt yourwrtn Grang direct 
at Zphaiv. masooasin. Re is udbtedly arragin to pubish his materialt,