Memorandum for the Chief - page 8. 
Estimates of Total Cost of Upland Gam Program 
(Gambol quail for the Most Part) for One Year. 
Project Leader, at $3600 per $ye ............... ...... $600.00 
Field Assistant, at $2400 per year....................   2400.00 
2 trucks 0     ..................... ...... ............ 1400.00 
Full-time clerk, Tucson office........................   1800.00 
Expenses 2 men 150 days in field, 300 man-days at $4.00  1200.00 
Travel expenses, 24,000 milesO4....................       960.00 
Miscellaneous equipment .......                           500.00 
                        Grn   Totalg. 
For the six demonstration areas 6 times $480.18 ......   2881.08 
Personnel, Travel and Miscellaneous Equipment .....     i13860.00 
Total estimated cost of entire Upland Game Project     $14741.08 
for one year (Subject to deduction for labor wherever 
C.C.C. labor eould be arranged for).