lw Soils Buildin 
                                     Madison,1 W sounsin 
                                     December 27, 1933 
Dr. John C. Phillips 
T7 iMcmnt Vorno- Street 
noston,  assaurisetts 
Dear Dr, Phillips.- 
          It ts evident to me that a decision favorable 
to the forest serice on local game jurisdiction would 
affect the question of the private lani o-ner, but my 
legal founlatlons are insuffieient to venture a guess 
as to how muh. 1 will be intprested to see the legal 
memorandum which you mention. 
          I have never been convinod that ceding 
Jurts-is tton of Ntinnal orst game to the Forest Service 
was wholly desirable--Xt -atu-ll woulld 1rove the 
a4_uinistrntlon of National 2?orest game as sueh, but 
it would likenise wpns4n the !inentive to develop adequate 
administration in the western states where Wasih valuable 
r    lie8 outside the national fore.ts. 
          In other words, such a chane, while un- 
doubtedly a short-.mt to i-ediate results, may not 
be the bent permanent way for longwtize remults. 
          I think it might be desirable, however, for the 
fore tIt service to hold zIih a ohange over the western 
states as a sort of club to haste- the Imrovament in 
state admfnistr-ti-)n. nn maybe even to exercise federal 
jiiriscitVn in partlralar cises until the statee have 
cleaner' hmose an4 are able to exercise their normfl 
f-nt Aions themselves. 
          I have now finished readiii the second 
5SCRAP B0O'! and greatly enjove,' all of It. 
                              Yours sicereO.W 
                              ALOO LEOPOLD 
AL;G                              G~ame Manaer