Copies to Messrs. Grange 
                         Jan, 12, 1932 
Mr. Ralph T. Kin 
University Pda 
St. ?Wl   Mnmeta 
       Yen =w have heard by this time that Grwang  Is leaving the 
Biological      . Th Sv      bas aade a teative offer of his 
position to Erigtn     I had previously planed to rooee.d 
19rrinton to take shage of the proposed gae reearch progra at 
Ames. Hweve, should he a       the Biological  .-va offer, I 
would be delighte to rec       ou f   the Ames position. I 
would like to know about y  possi~ble availabili within the 
nxt meoth in order that I may be guided aordwingly in talking 
with the Iow people. 
       The Utsh Agricultural College people have been bombarding 
as with mai for a ye, aking m    tom         a ma  an YOU 
may be   -e tht I wul  a              st h   til in t  e   t 
you ar available. I am writing Pwfeesow Taylor to ftid out 
whether t   actuAIV have the m      and If so I will oest 
that he       saae with you direc. 
       Dr . C. CuOtrtis of the Univesrity of Missuoarl was als 
lking for a ma, but accring to wV latest tomation his 
apprpriation had. failed. 7he net time I writ him I will fin 
out for ewure. 
                             Your* as eve?, 
(s) Aldo Leopold