Dr.-ing. Franz Heske 
o. 6. Professor der Tedhn. Hochschule Dresden Tharandt, den 18. 12. 1935.

     (Abt. Forstl. Hochschule Tharandt) 
   Direktor der Institute ffir Forstpolitik, 
     ffir Forstbetriebseinriditung und 
 fir auslindische und koloniale Forstwirtsdiaft. 
           Prof. Aldo Leopold 
           Institute for game management 
           Madison, Wisconsin 
           My dear Aldo, 
                         I must first ask you for permission in addressing

           you in this familar way out I think that the same relations 
           which join me with Ward Shepard will also join us both. I 
           therefore will be proud if you will address me in the same 
                         I am enulosing herewith the promissed article 
           by our friend Vietinghoff together with lots of picturers 
           which will serve the purpose. 
                         I thank you for your kind letter regarding Ebner

           which I agree with. Ebner is a fine boy but there is an old 
           fellow in Munich who exercises a certain local influence and 
           is equally limited in his views. It is he and not Ebner who 
           makes troubles. 
                         I hope that you have reached Madison safely and

           enjoy now the pleasures of your family lite. 
                         My wife and me join together with the best wishes

           for the Christmas and New Year for you and your family. 
                                         Ever sincerely yours