Cooperrlder and Dixon have everything except fwiliarity 
with recent details in g    reserch and 
         Ligon would be an excellent wan working with a technically 
trained advlsor familiar with game .    e   t and research in other 
states. Tithout this advantage his findings nould lah the dymic 
element, as ts evident In his New Mexico report. 
         It might be possible to use a youngster of a greAt deal 
leis experience anO somerhat lesser salary, .rtovided he were especially

well balanced. I would advise against tmntrg a youngster loose with- 
out more or less constant counsel and advice. 
         In maĆ½-ng the above personal conxients on these -entleaen,
will trust you to keep in iAnd that mny of them are t   warm personal 
friends and hence these comments are made only for the good of the 
cause and should be kept confidential. 
          This Institute w111 probably undertake additional  r-veys 
beginning next winter, but under a different scheme of operation 
than has obtained in the past. The speciflcations which I am reco- 
mendirg arei 
          1. That the state hare in the expense of the iarvey to the 
             extent at least of anishing a trainee to act as asitstant, 
             with the assurance that upon satisfactory performance his 
             work would be contimied in the state. 
          2. That the state publish the findings of the preliminary 
             survey at its own ezpense. 
          The Institute has not yet taken action on these       enda- 
 tions, but if the State of Utah should hapnen to be Interested in a 
 cooperative undert&dng of this kind, I would welcome their making 
 an offer to the Institute. 
          Of course, if the state should be able to f'urnish a man 
 of the senior type. such as those above mentioned, he would not be 
 considered an assistant in the survey, but a fuxll partner with an 
 equal voice in the enterprise. 
                                   Yours sincerely, 
                                           AVL)O LOPOD 
                                     In Charge, Gavme SIurvey