APrtl 21 1932 
Weatu41 G    & 71*   seIo 
Mr   .4&n    taokd 
Frankfort, Xeum& 
Dear Utro 'at 
      Yes, of cue 1    =14 be gad to have you reprit the     ail a   ter

of the *Game ftra  in boullotts fom.< Toduially thecoyihisn 
the hanms of the Institute. but I am Rattoue    they would be more ta 
4la  to have  u use It. Just to make sure, I seninga       of you 
letter. aM this on. to Mr. Joha M. Olin. with the        tn 
he give you formal pemissiF) to reprint a    part of the reot o     wnt to.

      I will also be 4.a4 to furis yo any of the cuts you mny finlly 
select. This wuld save Yo a little expene. 
      There a" two possible odificatinase of yor propowa whic     I
goin to tak  the liber  of sestin    for your oaslieration. 
      OW is this: the Institute has a     es    st,,oor of the a.m 
Report wch Is nt mvin wl.      Seth Gordon has bee retan1- tb 
at $1.0*0 ea*h postpai. The migt make you a lower rate on these, If 
yonunwnted. a quantity. If this Interests rau I wonil& %a th matter up

through Seth. 
      The owe dsI ~estio  iets I couj4 &   the bobwite chpter to 
ntaky co     itioas, and mak it an original lo   l   tiin of your 
own, If I *_ld be retained for a muoth' field work plus a f     wes 
to dio the wtiting. This is virtually what I have jus.t finished doino 
for tha Iowa Fi  and Game 0mmisio.   I have writte for th a poar 
(non- set anti fie) ianhlat, cledU *The Iowa TwboofGameVnget. 
I a" sen you a mamaseipt copy of this           in a week or ten 
      My v~gestior4 in shrt ts to wrte a 'XntimyHadbo           of %g 
ae  mmt,9 for whic  I would  e  abfmt 1-112 months total tl at 
the rates qoteL 
      nother alternative wuld be a Xentuk  Hanbook o       K  sa - 
mentw for vi1h I would need a longer tm.     It migt be wise. thm, 
to try out the Idea on quail alone, 4 then expand. it later if it twces 
      MY tie is booked solid to July 1 but after that I am at 1iberiy 
to consider additional Jobs. 
Yours sinctrely,