Major L. W. T. Waller, Jr. 
Da   Littletent 
              I enjoyed reading your radio 
Is alimoat as good as your New York speech. 
-pec, vhIai 
               I hop. that Your fan mail continues to 
reveal          ties as pretty au this one. you will 
not hurt my feelins a bit by sendin me More of the s 
kind. Muaks hk$idy. I hope you did not miss a    quail 
In Carolina and that you make a 6W0 evrnytime you- drem 
of the sprin arery seson. 
               I am se1Ing a few days this Cristmas 
at the Missouri shack to shoot a few birds and try out 
my new dog. 
               I    returnin the Holdsworth correspondence. 
                        Tours sincerely, 
De   17, 1972