From the Clip Sheet of the American Game Protective Association we qu 
                  ALABAMA GAME COMMISSION COOPERATES               / 
                             IN EDUCATION 
      "A co-operative arrangement has recently been effected between
I. T. Quinn, Alabama's well known and resourceful game commissioner, and
National Association of Audobon Societies, whereby an agent will be placed

in the field who will devote his time to lecturing in the schools of the

state on birds and their protection. H. G. McGowan, who has been selected

for this work was at different times connected with the game commissions

of Florida and Georgia. Mr. McGowan will be equipped with stereopticon and

colored slides of birds and will travel widely over the state. 
      This type of educational work among the school children has proven

very effective in stimulating an appreciation of bird-life and in arousing

an interest in the necessity for the protection of all useful birds. 
      The Audubon association for some time has been co-operating in simi-

lar manner with the game commissions of Indiana and Maryland where very 
gratifying results have been achieved."