Gam  Coit ions Survey 
T  esabsh within our state eertaia Informatia reloative te the Wi4 life 
thseo   being neeessary tor the futus e evepmont of ew    o w  are aking

you to asier the folowing qusto an        answer then to the best of 
your ability. 
1he amu WttzMtga 
1ietlbutionof g~ogls   If any Rspeiese does not 0ee1W throuot the 
     yona county                 the utlin of Its present rne? 
It its range has recently         er 9ontraetet. trase the old rage also.

    . Has anybody in yeour conty gathered figures on abundance or 
          Same, either past or present  If so, it is desire to have the 
tigrdes. there a direet esen*  Is Imracticable, an Indrect inde     such

a sdumber of eaoies r ay pea ma)is often equally go, especiay it 
the rOev4 covers a ied aea  ver a ter of years. 
   EAU iffifsAre there any records of bill by year., 0,eorizw a f$ixed 
araoe at Wtars of years? (Suhwrecords are sointines ketby olubs, 
Game departimets,, or 154ivida huters who keep a Jou~rnl 
2A record o             the length of open seasons over a long term of 
   yearThs i Iiportant if there has been a tendency toward shri ag0%o0 
ettion of he se&son on a given s$peoes. 
fCord* of the number of gus on a given area or 
         givs "o*tau  a  opnig dy)ove  alon  term of 70Wr. 
g*          * For soies like the grouse, which fluctuate in s-w- 
  dne, can youz list the extra g~ood and extra poor seasons over a long per-

iod o years for any given looAite?     The list noo not be emplet e, 
it *hou   o as ftr back as possibe.   If suah record  are gatheredby 
cespiling the recQ11octions of old hunterso, the nane of the individuals

shoud be recorded. 
For Introduced speoies, can you put down, preferabl.y on a COS- 
All record of the time, place, 4.te wan meto of 0$ Mating, *he 
5ni, ant condition of tbe steek, and the sucess or failure of 
If the plant s sueeessful, trace the boundary of the area 
I $took is lntablihed. 
VOIfigton 0at Was the "toat            place, and*&user of *$  
       porantchage  n  he nvionmntof your locl 4  m  species? (For inestAoe

Ylodsdroth, bd, uettin*, fires, de, or               azig  eta. 
P* Ae there aW recods of th       effeet of specifi predators on 
Pariar    species of ge; o the kill of pretaters by specis on asei- 
fin areas; or of the prevailing methods and costs of pre~tore control workt

In each e*ae, the reason for Asuing that a given predatory sup4ies is 
Injuriou-s is also desiwe4. 