Waterfowl Environmont - 
         Select a swamp within the area which can be easily 
flooded and which will retain at least an average depth of 
at least throe feet of water. 
         Clear cut the smaller trees and brush on pond site 
and place slash in scattered piles. 
        Leave the larger trees for nesting wood duck, mer- 
gansers, etc. 
         Plant wild rico, button bush, etc. for food and cover. 
Strea:.. Imnrovomunt - 
        This would consist of the installation of chock dams, 
deflectors, brush covers where needed, and the planting of 
aquatic vegetation to oncouracv  fish life and fur bearers. 
Protection of VJil.d Life Area- 
        Prevent all trespass by enclosing area with single 
strand of wire. 
        Post conspoicuously. 
        Er.ect permanent gates at all entrances. 
        Control proeators by the most efficient and humane 
        In order to ascert .:.in definitely the result of improve- 
monts made, as to the incr:aso arid seasonal habitat of the 
Fauna, a bi.-monthly cen.sus should; be taken. 
        To proporly do this linces should be slashed running 
north and south and es st and west. Those should be cut at 
400 ft. intorz..als, and from ten to tvwolve feet wide. These 
lines should be permanently marked at all intorseci.ions there- 
by making the rocording of obseiv.tions more accurate. 
        These grid lincs ..lso act to breck up the density of 
the forest and create the border environment most necessary 
for wild life. 
        No set of rules can be laid down for maintai-lnng wild 
lifo at-as. Constant observations properly noted arc of first 
importance. If a species to be encouraged is consistently ob- 
served in a certain type of cnvironment, try to duplicate 
thosd surroundings in other places, thereby increasing the 
species without cover crowding.