                      ANN ARBOR 
                                March 22, 1929. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
421 Chemistry Building, 
Madison, Wisconsin, 
Dear Aldo: 
            Please accept my apologies for not 
having written you long before this-about the 
quail fellowships I meant to have done so, but 
various things have conspired to prevent, 
            On receipt of your letter of March 13, 
I took up the project with Dean Ruthven who, I 
find, feels that cooperation of the University 
with the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' 
Institute is not wise and that he would not care 
to have either the Museum or the Department of 
Zoology participate in the project. This I suppose 
means that the investigation is off so far as the 
University of Michigan is concerned, since I know 
that one of your main desires was to be assured 
that the entire University would participate. 
            Wight will undoubtedly secure more 
or less information on quail during the coming 
summer in connection with his continued study 
of the private game refuges and you may find it 
worth while to keep in touch with this. We shall, 
of course, be glad to make available for your 
informal use any information of interest which 
he may secure. 
                                Very sincerely yours, 