Divi~sion of Wildlife Mwugeet 
                Mr. 1. N. Xenaud~ 
                Gan* and Fresh Water 
                Tallahasee, Flori~da 
4~24 Univast~y ftwo Plaae 
Octber 1.*, 138$3 
ftsbL Qm.1ssion 
         The supply of trained aen seas to be running 
         I kw of only one avlable qutalfe     o imn# 
as. follow.s larry G. Aaesn 40 Ridnq 3treet, 
Madison Wisonsin. 
         I kno0w of oe. other hihlay trainad man ieo is 
nt available at the mment ut w   migt bec   s at 
the time te prjet s re     . He is Dr. Lenard W. W    , 
Tale Forest Uhool, oew Haven Connecticut. 
                              Aldo Loopold 
                     Professor of Wildlife al m eat