Fobrwu , 1935 
      Dear ~   ~    ~     * Mr mlwl 
Partt Of the OM  4w'v~a INWUt* litealotoion in you  reion. 
The Wat matoria of tiils 24n4 Iht I 1ýpw of t  h f4a 
           I ~  ~  b   uewl  aen figures *$&A dh  E) be Wplibl* 
           ft the*V4koa side In~ adi~tion to St~iddards bok# 
 IwouM vis yo go    f   Uiversit ot Arizona their rownt 
 bulletin on gmbl qal, I kno you dont hawe thisiseis 
but it to stu1llax to your scaled qixail. 
         In the long r= eac state mat work out for itself 
Its own arpb    ~teuqtw and, Its ovR timca stu     v  This 
muld mo  attitg xt at your agioutura oolleea reewav 
                         Yours alwaml, 
                                Aldo Leopol 
                            XR 0=69, Gam besai