421 C'h1ist' n)-lilr 
                                             July 12,, 1929 
'ru of             S1gic u rey 
Tabinctin, D, C 
Dear Ko~te*: 
         Ar, te i-ion t i3 sa, itnd           o    e  h3, an 
r appreciate your ts!ik. the troabe to Qo:-:a  in detail on my 
Illinois report. As I h;ave said before, my Vratest 1.4ek to cu 
rent critIis and I anvezr uagtioaa to &a   41 of this Iman 
       As to glaclatiozz and phman  I crtaĆ½inly are with you 
that their relatlom io merely 4,,r hypothesis. If T have implie 
otherwe in m   reports I hereb bak wter, 
         I h.ve 'herd of the      es on Sploe Island bt 
urtood they were constantly bin recrutd 'y artificial prop. 
gation, Cn you tel t -  ethr o o this     a fat?  If It in 
the cae of ooIrse dos- not constitute evlIĆ½iene of survivl in a 
wild etute. If it is no)t, the ther is one hole in the   lac$iatio 
hypothesis, and a large one. 
                             You~rs sincerely, 
                                In Charge, Gwie Survey