New Soils Building 
                                       March 19 934,~ 
Mr. C. N. Tonsm 
Fort Moir Anticosti Island 
notes on Muttestl gane  A lot of Wes to of oxreitr 
aMsin i      s&tfa1       gnu      v 
         Iwoul b extremey IWrested in the rp of your 
tak.o foe for the last 15 yers 
        You have a uniqa o-~tn   to contribueto the 
study of wild life c~le 1W tain a     l aemswes of grus. 
foxes# rabbts,, and o*ýo  yci Uanimals in a refly chsen 
fixed locations. I gaho that you       4.tide dono yt sho 
aq mrtalityfo the prsn cI       le   I .~ex t thert thy will 
withina yer  so that a p1roiiur censs previous tothone 
of mortality wpiald be ver U4otat 
        Wer ruff*( m~us ala  absent fmns the isaMo or 
had the ut~ly bee wiped out previous to their reintoduction? 
        Ur. W~allw  Irng inmkn a stu~4 of th preent 
cyce in W1* soosa uner     direction ane It would bevr  itr 
   esigto beable to mak a comaraiv   statement of th  hrnl 
   *a    anamot of oralty In 'Wisconoi and Anticosti, repetively. 
        If I ma be at serwIc to yuinsaurn ptblicQa tiono 
your findings I would be glad to do so, 
   SWith beat regards, 
                           Yours sincerely, 