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            COLUMBUS, OHIO. 
WA.TM P. "rep-publisher        0. KuatRcL4towq43dif.or 
               July 14, 1936 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
Professor of Game Management 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Mr. Leopold: 
           Your letter voicing "disappointment" over 
the publication, in a recent issue, of an article 
entitled, "The .22 Hornet on Grows and Hawks", is 
the second of like content to come from a member 
on the staff of the college where you are employed. 
           You may be interested to know we have 
two other such letters, one from a propogandist of 
a bird society and the other from a teacher on the 
paid staff of an Eastern agricultural college. All 
the letters are written in a manner to convey the 
imression they are but natural variations of the 
same key mold. 
           None of our thousands of readers throughout 
the country, either with or without a publicity or 
profit motive in hawks or crows, entered a protest of 
any kind, although as a general thing, some of them 
are quite ready to tell us what they do not approve of 
in our publication. 
           If the Landis article did not reveal, as 
you say, "the proper appreciation of the importance 
of ethical conduct in such matters at this particular 
time", be assured we will hear from all sections of 
the United States, but to date only a quartet has 
registered what might be considered as a bit of or- 
ganized criticism. 
                           Yours very truly, 
DD/EL                      HUNTER- TRADER- TRAPPER