Utah St),te A-ri-l,8   C1 
Lo~n Utah 
D-ear Dr. Taylori 
           In accordance wi~th yorur letter of A~mg,.t 25 1 a 
you a copy of the re-ort on the             survey of Inam 
as a &,,le of At our conception of a -    mu-y is. Within 
a week or tro I hope to have a copy of the Wisconsin sumy, 
which is better, and I will send it to you as soon as it is 
available. Kindly retarn the Imiia   re,)ort as so)n as onven- 
                             Yours si~ncrely, 
                                 In Chre G-rĂ½# Surey 
Ic. report 
4~. , 191o