Uaveh 153 1937 
Prof. Jou l. Scott 
Drtment of b    .lo 
UniesitT of Wm 
Da   Prof    Scott: 
         I   d board of yur v        u now  ties in OMti. 
with the o   ui  and I cte the omsion on the nw ar 
         I an no expet on -  fam and It would be hard to $,.t yo 
deftinite romnaitons for a site witbxui an Intimte acqiaitanc 
with you loa  conditions. I would certainly select woll-dralne 
Irigated laMd of high quality, but furher than this I would not be 
         Tere m   e  les      on   easat rais  , most of the of 
mdor    qultyT. Th  following: rather hasily assmbled bibliorah 
         Galnab    1. W. and C. A. Hille.w 1933. The Artificial 
             P.op tlon of Ring-ak, Pha    t.ta 299 
             Pensyl~vania State Coll"   in cooperation with PoW1yl 
             vaa Boar  of Game Om  ssios.    ctober, 1933. 
         I  o11, -    . 1913. Ph   Isata an C.overt Shooti n. 
            Amu and Qut1.. 31.*, London   332 pp.. ilium. 
         Mitohelle Nor&*. 1936. Raisin  ame Birds. Penn Nabl. Co.,, 
            Pila1delphaia. 313 Pp-- Mhum 
         Moe am   Birds In Anwica. 1931. Fham~t ZwBrodn Maul 
            Vors 0a= Birds In America, Inc.,, 300 Fifth Avne 
            low Tork. 
         Rosnff, Alexis L. 1934. Stay of Arfteifcal Iuibation 
            of Gm   Birds.   Tulletin 616, Cornell University     . 
            Uzp. Sta., Ithaca Noveabe, 1934. 
         Simpon   Guwn M. 192T. Pheasant Pamig   Boklet, 
            privately Issued,  mrllis, Oreoa 1927. 
         !...etweler, W. N. Phesants; their naturasl his tory szd