                   Ottawa, wanada 
                                     Ja-. 7 1935 
Prof Aldo Leopold, 
Univ, of Wisconsin, 
Madison, Wis. 
Dear frof. Leopold;- 
                     Have just been reading your Game Management 
with great interest.   I think you have brightened the pose- 
ibilites for upland game considerably. I wish the same could 
be done for the water-fowl 
    I note however one slight inaccuracy, you refer Norman 
Criddle's experiences to Ontario whereas they should be 
Manitoba. The wide difference in eccological aspect between 
Awene , Manitoba (south central) and any partbof Ontario might 
possibly lead to wrong inference. 
  "1! You note also with reservations that the flight of 
migrating Sharp-tailed Grouse is largely or entirely composed 
of females while the residual wintering groups are males. 
     You probably know of the extraordinary flight of this 
species into the note soithern sections of northern Ontario 
Of course the mystery is, why such a wide spread and in- 
   -/--    and Quebec the winter of 1932 and 3. We received  some 
S       , wenty or so specimens f rom t his flight from the southern 
   iJ'edge of the main body. Of these all were females but one. 
      OfcusAh              ytr    s   hy  sc      iesra       n    n