    Dr.-ing. Franz Heske 
o. 6. Professor der T12hin. Hodcschule Dresden Tharandt, den 3- 4. 1936.

     (Abt. Forstl. Hochsdiule Tharandt) 
     Direktor der Institute ffir Forstpolitik, 
     fur Forstbetriebseinrichtung und 
 fiir auslundische und koloniale Forstwirtsdiaft. 
       Professor Aldo Leopold, 
       College of Agriculture 
       University of Wisconsin 
       IM a d i s o n , Wisconsin 
       My dear Aldo, 
                  I must apologize for the delay in writing you again. 
       I have been terribly busy in the last time. 
                  First of all I thank you very much for your assistance

       in publishing the essay of Baron Vietinghoff. He certainly is 
       not interested in the question of a honorarium but is chiefly 
       interested to get his paper widely distributed, amongst the 
       American foresters and wild life men and of course is interested 
       to get a sufficient number of spare copies which he could distri-

       bute. You have complete freedom to do anything with the article 
       which ever you think convenient. 
                 Ward has written me recently that his Professorship in 
       Harvard is a settled matter. I am very glad about that because 
       he is just as well as you and me on his best place in a University

       and not in bureaucracy. 
                  You also will be interested that my book on German 
       forestry which is now completed and propably already in print 
       has pleased as well Dr. Thomas as well all those who haie read the