AIsoliqu., PrI. P,O, 
                 Ontarto, Canada 
                                  january 13th.o 1939 
Professor Aldo Leop&ld 
Division of Wildlffo Management 
College of Agriculture 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisedonsin 
Dear Professor Leopold; 
                      . It was very kind of you to write and 
tell me of your interest in my bunny paper, Thanks for your 
     I sent copies of the varying hare paper to the two men 
you mention some considerable time ago. 
     With regard to an explanation for the tendency towards 
synchronism of cycles over the continent, I think we need 
more real knowledge of the interrelations of the larger 
predatory mammals and their prey before the matter can be 
considere4n a basis much better than guesswork. Personally 
I feel that there might be a mechanism in the above-mentioned 
interrelations to bring about the approximate synchronism. 
I don't know thoug1nd really prefer to postpone apy judgment. 
     At the time I wrote I did not know of published statements 
regarding any ten-year cottontail fluctuation. 
     At present I am telephone switchboard operator for the 
Algonquin Park telephone system..L-My hours of duty are from 
LOOP.M& to 9.OOP.M. with an hour for supper, seven days a 
week, pay $3 per day* and pay my own board and room at the cheap 
rate of 75 cents per day, I make up the monthly telephone 
accounts and bills and do a few other smaller items of office 
work. In the mornings I am expected to work on natural history 
either in the woods, in the lab. (my bedroom) or the ;hoto- 
graphic darkroom, etc. My library is on shelves around the 
telephone room and I write and read between calls. Some days