                  A feiyears ago I wrote you on the hawk 
 question and on my invention the "1hawk trap" I now have 
 it patented and received patent letters Feb. 24, 1931, 
 Pat. 7o. 1, 794,228 
                  I have caught more than fifty hawks in 
 the same way as you see in the photo enclosed. Ify neigh- 
 bors have all caught some too. 
                  I was In Chicago in April at the Patent 
Exposition. I have tried to interest hundreds of Manu- 
facturers. I am now meeting with opposition and criticism 
such as inventors usually experience. I am enclosing a 
letter from a trap co. which criticises the size of the 
trap from the standpoint of state laws. I don't know how 
many states prohibit such traps but it seems that this trap 
would not infringe on such law because it is set with live 
chicks and will not catch anything except a hawk or crow 
attempting to catch chickens and is only set near the home 
where it is watched. 
                 Beside the above abjection I hear such as this -- 
 "There aren't many chickens or poultry caught by hawks". 
 ",There are but few hawks in the U.S." 
 "Hawks ought not be killed". 
 ",Farmers can not afford to buy a trap for this purpose." 
                 Others say: "I don't belive the trap will work".

                 Still others say that the shotgun is the only 
good method; and so on. 
                  I am exnerience in these lines a little myself 
and know some species of hawks should not be killed but you can 
not catch one of those kinds in this trap. My county is paying 
$1.00 each for hawks killed; nine out of ten are the wrong hawks 
but the officers can not tell the difference. The parmless hawk 
is soon becoming extinct through ignorance x\I ialv  a solution for 
this if I can -ut it over before it is too late but I will need 
help (not financially).   My trap has a hundred percent record, it 
has never failed. Testimonials and affidavits prove this over and 
                 I will be uleased to get a few lines from you. 
Alvi  F. Hahus 
Oriol ie, Indiana.