bxtmt frcm "Th  Gw Birds of 0aWifoais, 
                           Ornnll- 3r  t- Soe 
                 (fbisks.l V Unvrst*f Qaa1±foz'i Press) 
                              Berkle  - 1911. 
                (Mapte an Non-ativ Gu   Birds, pw 3. 
 #Orego s*.s out as th     *n stte    1*c    b~  x 'ben raly smm#.ssfvl.

 Item twouty-si Ringnsk@ ftesmts 1importe from China in I=.fl 
 plntdin tu. 1121mtte VlY   j th  hl  state West of th  040464 
 Uas boon st~c4w (Shaw, 1905, pp. 12-15). 4    1892, 4hmns had b.M 
 So *dmdt tka* ananu1 open seao of twa and o-baf uoutls mes 
 4s*lamo and 50,000 birds we spro  to have been killea the 
 openin 4.'. in 186s 10,000 *ftwai wer markto.A withi a singl 
mosmtk A short open eason on mok birds sttill preails.- In Washigto 
=& British Colva'bla the 2$.g-a.cko Psaomt is also well Ostablsha4".