FOREST SERVICE 
THE FORESTER                                                WASHINGTON 
      sa                                               December 31, 1935.

      Prof. Aldo Leopoldo 
             University of Wiceonsin, 
                    Madison, Via. 
      Dear Aldo: 
             You may remember that coming back on the steamer I spoke of
      absence of Ohidrshw and wild swine in the country around Tuatingea,
      I had been for a week with Dr. querongsaser.   You asked me If I know

      when this foan of gmeo had been killed out in this region and I had
      admit that I had not asked.   I wrote Dro. (#rongasser asking his about

             I have just had his answer, which is part of an interesting
      from him. 
          *First I would like to answer your question.   As I found 
     in a small book dealing just with my region and the (undoipherablo 
     word, apparently 6 letters long, ending with tilest or tbles ) 
     which have been here before#   This book has been added (issued?) 
     in 1887 and the author writes that still in the beginning of the 
     19th century there have boon a groat number of real door - hirsch 
     - and wild swinoe As I remember (it) they have shot the last 
     stag just before the middle of the 19th (century).  Also, the 
     generation of trees we work with has always been out of this 
     danger, perhaps except (as) the first (youngest) growth.  These 
     data are more or lees the ssme over the whole t'Abt from Uim to 
       Among other things, r. qoerengasser says that Bill Sparhawk is 
coming to stay with him three days.   1titing on December 15, he says: 
have 10 foxes and 34 hares the result till now*    Next week we shall fight

against the poor boasts in the western part of my district during two days.'

       Apparently the good doctor had a hard time as the result of some 
poor medical work by a local doctor in dealing with an ox out on the hand.

This accident occurred while I was with him, but the effects of the anti-

tetanus Injections seem to have lasted a long time. The incident deprived