thv. 11, 1931 
r. O. Ji.Oir7V 
near )*ire, 
     I 1vave bad. a ýood  ,,a v tory lttera about m 
roecent piblic-at ions 7ehidi ýai:;  t'An, Ith-At -rn4 the nthepv'
bu-t I do not prize a of thi a" h1j- 1Y ys X  do your l~tter 
whio mes a pnint of the 'Tzestlon of fati    marno. Noe of I., 
of    rje, er 'ttain o   ee fai  ss. b-ut it gves one 
no enT of enet ou-raqint to have vmor  renot  ou  ý-nt on 
this3 -)oltt. 
ioneatine I~n           -re~.¶il ichd qMO.t'rtn llte~a")tlre isý
umfair, ae  -ffeiotly poitd oumt by      ir p  etioniat frines. 
I tlins tlhat 7o-e of the pete'tionii~t,  t-ratnr  ilik4wise 
unfaiJr.  Toe~~e I thi1 they -are jnt .i Y-rach internetd. in 
cha&-nating the snortv3aen asm they are in ?11(n1 wil fe. 
Be th-t as it rqy, the hol  of the fture lie  in the limitd 
mmber of Indiidialg in both ca=8 who are willing to wet-h 
new   idedce rogar4lees of its ns-ar. 
     I hare hioard a, great de bniit yO- thr.1 or I;Iittual 
friend Wallace Grae. Will you by any chancq at the (ue Con- 
ference in New YTo&, December 1 and 2? If so, I would like to 
r8ince a secial point of ararjýgi  a ession with vyo. 
     nialk yon again for youm"r encoo eent. 
                          Yoi sIncerely, 
                                ALD   GameOLD 
                            In Charre, Gae 3u~rrIy