Aet 13, 193 
Dr. WalterP.2Ve 
         I   ~s Just received your wire mid YWUe4 as fbllewse *Yt, have 
         It sohqpmoe that I hav mre go   is.n thean funs will carr for 
the coming yea. If Re job caries aodoe   ced~it as well as slrIt far 
oieses *.t I - abe to offer wd I of coure woul be gM         to hwo yo 
ftsiob off the trinn of an of sWbnh     It will be l~rat    huh    to 
   kno  vbetertime is available flo mW partislar =mn to finish his obligatlon*

here In the uW of ww~eo pors, eta,. I am glw3           you the fbIlowin

   prltlmy keim of avallae materiatt 
             2MUI 0 l&  freatdrest Pwaradi se, U   .  Oc hie master's

      at ta  ayer  p  alr ab ses.~ ftisise Surtoille     ~Wokod with we all

last year, nwr bme *1r wor    Unte to retar here for his doctorate, but 
noos patial help and I hawe no funds. 
             Leetoa eclir omintion.  He is ion of Rhe most i~tatstros, 
thoro ah wAetu     iasti msors I everam,  His peroeeaslli  at first smtig

given ion the l~resson of boW, somwat naive, bat his perormne coon 
btlies this Urreseien  I at first t*14 him tht he wa not oat out for dee

sieletifie work Uxt later du~o sw  aW mi  ~enu4,   him to coms bo*k 
Ime's basie odeitifle taiag althoug   amle is Rhe pape record, is somewhat

*sotd* IV reaso of Rhe plaeas ~ifte  he get It. R*us" a~ roa       l
in wain up orses here lost winter. His main reerhjob wa           autosies1

on winter-kll54. quil. Startling frm scratch. be boome a good enog botamist

to make perfectly reliable stoma& elysese mi that withot vor7 s.h cocig

He writes peoory, buat as with his ether folts, oeOms   neve tell *sother
persistence will wt ovisneme this diffiedlty inshoert order   It is orJ~sm

that uner your Airettlos he woul wke an excellent man for a qui     stady,
In the longru 1m r tow ut -or and better w*v thon uaW others vt  w44~ leok

very -ma better at the swtart . Hiswestern uprngn woul also give him some

preliainary acuintanes with Tea conditionss. If you     opentiM oaries 44geso

credit. it would vad~oubtedly be attractive to Lose, 
              a= . Aj~w, bioved his bachelor% a fro      the 2solww Wpert

      men hee tisJun. H hs been woring three yeas an a thesis. "Birds
the Arboetn.' a4 io thoroughly trained as as .wsitholosi st, but nt as a

game manaer. He did, hewwwr, take my Ce manaemnt cours and I would nt 
hesitate to assign him to a manamnst research project if I could dirwect
He is entirely self-w~e, worke his wey          .4lqeh**I~   in a baey and