PLAINFIELD, VERMONT 
believe it is going to become increasingly important, 
particularly, in a state 1ike Vermont which will have to 
depend more and more on her recreational resources for 
future deve lopment. 
    I laid out a rat mr formal outline of the proposed 
program in order to sell the idea to our administ'ation. 
  I lon't Intend to formalize thrl work to tir ext:-nt indicated 
on the enclosed sheet, parl ilularly as I have only two boys 
to work with this y-ar.   I a. very anxious to Ilaie 
a succe, of the undertaking and to      et enou ,h publicity 
for it so that we may interest a largeo Lroup .n 
suc--edine y- ars. 
   I would apprrci:te your frank comments on the enclosed 
outline.   ::any of the activities3 su.L ted must be 
ommItted or Preatr v t curt-ailed to make t  oror--r-am mana gable 
at all.    I would also like, to receive your bulletin - 
Jame Xnaemont at th ; Univjrs Ity of -Iikconsin -  &d to 
receive any fur'ther advice you may be %illing to riva on 
iethodu of ca   icin- out thr proram and of in t!,uctio-a! 
"ater.al  rit r n on a Ieve1 suitabWl for Juni  college 
                                         'ours truly, 
                                         Cranston -i. Jordan 
                                Instructor in .3cince