"eihbW6 s    with oeto lnmaowaro  Wa     untde tha u ae   t  in othera

setios of the State. Wha tAis tio wrivw8 thee will be n=od of MOW 
In  a s.xmm PiLO   am my be ONWs4. 
      Of *e* bag hvts will aleys bs mooesar          and Inthe beat inte

es of e00wwtIeos    s  en seasomsNt not be too   long  If the bg limits 
mV   liftedo asin Wtere would be wirt in the cry that only thoe wmeah   
affard to hat, for smtoratusly thwo would be a few wealtbT pwerons who 
would wint to kill moe thn their abe     as stipulted under ps     t legal

bag limit.. 
      It it trsu in bss that the losIu      stoMm is psmtisd moet .ztonsive-

ly in the turke ad do rang. of the States but these ae siteusivsiaM 
thare we lots of folks in Mezm sA Own who eoi  from adJacent States 
itho are willing to pay a picoe to kill a tury    ord  , the bag limits of

Yams ywevid  tht a m   my kill two buck e with ph       s an 
three tafter sbblews each season* Of oours te lsaw does not speoify that

obrges thr buntin pwSiviewo may he Pade only fo     dear and tuky     Ther

is considerabl.e    . mon ee b noef fwwaflte huntiR  places fb1w aterfowl,
Sit Is reasonable to suppose that this systesm will sprad to those sowtio

where thee is oaly bobwhite ail, and I know of no g wlth which it 
might wwk move inocessfhll, It might he the mesa of restarin the praiwi.

abiekon to the rihbtfl plce, it shoul oo     y m     the gw bird. of the

Stats1 by wakening the interost f the        U ln this bird whik ha do 
not am e,   e 
      Vi" 4k0hI"ore objectiorns that my he found to, systum of
this kind, 
the" Is no denying that the leaadow     is otter epable of protecting
amd en 
focing the eossevation regulations on his own proises thoa    arONs els.

Whe be earn be given the Incentive towards enforcing thes" ropationsaid
in * 
addition to requiring an obesrvance, of Intalligasrt regulations, refrinjs
ovstockingis b,       practices predator control aM  does all possible to

keep down diseases V' game as we'l e1 s liestok -  e will be hlosely aiob

Ing the Hiep Hmunting Grond, that any be provided for a rapidly insteasiM

      Perhaps ware awekening to a realization that am     lasn 41. 4e not

provide a cplet panao.e fr the Protfhia        of a people in a givern loal

ity. Perhap we be" *lung too lag to the idea of ftree shooting. It as
fine thing bhile it lasteds but it is pm hike the 'awt sad the kewo..m