"In reading over your Promotion News Bulletin it occurred to me
;e.rhaps it is not generally known among the New Jersey sportsmen that in

the northern part of the state of New Jersey there are several beaver 
colonies and from all reports they are increasing. During my visit in 
the northern part of the state, and on my several hunting trips, I nave 
actually seen tne fresh working of beavers in the Lake Hopatcon region on

a little pond called M!ao Nickels, and on French's Pond, and also on a 
small pond in West ýilford, N. J. There have also been reports of
vers in several other ponds and streams, such as Pauline Kill River, and

on small streams and ponds north of Culvers. I thought thi8 might be of 
interest to you, as it is not generally known that we have any beavers in

this state.   Ju~st this past winter a new colony has been formed on the

little lake in West Milford Township, as mentioned above. This is right 
near the main highway that leads to the lower end .of Greenwood Lake.  A

five minute walk from the highway will bring any motorist to the spot 
where the busy little creatures have cut down trees and constructed dams."