Noveber , 193)4 
Mr. Ben H.Thmo 
Wildlife Divisin 
Nationael Park  rci 
Ifehington, D. C. 
Dear Mr. Tbomsont 
          I a-  r grat.efl for your  rpathtio consideration 
of my surgstion about Girtr an   your promt uMndrstading of 
what I was ditving at in makin it, 
          I etiwly a     with you that Gtra, .   be 'useful 
on E.0,W. work, Mt he qualiftiation over aM     abov  ths 
of a resarch mum, and if he does not have the" qualfications, 
our little pipedrem ts of no avail, The question is how to 
ftin out,   hy nt adwress a letter to the Forest 8ve  rvsow at 
Laramie? I do not know him, 'ut the hncees ae that an Forest 
Suervisor will be sufficiently hardheadd to rnder a good 
Judgmnt on this partimlar point, and I r  mro the Forest 
kpervisow   ould be gla to         te you in this msatter. 
          If you do not   t to do this yourself, I om write 
a personal letter to the District orester aMd get him to desig- 
nate a uitable forest officer to mak a sisze-, but I will 
await your speiilo wowd before proceeding on this. 
          T       you agin for your cooperation, 
                             Yours sinoerelyO 
                                     Aldo Leopold 
                                In harge, Game Research