PLAINFIELD, VERMONT 
                                        Sept. 18, 1038. 
Dr. Aldo Leopold 
University of "7isconsin 
Madison, 13isconsin. 
Oear 5ir: 
         , e are attempting to make s start in the field 
of game management by way of a subject which we call 
Re creational Biology. 
           It is designed chiefly as a cultural course, to 
 introduce the students to the values and problems of 
 wildlife, to give an introduction to simple ecology, to 
 consider fish and game l islation, and Lo give soiae 
 -oractical dýior-o rations and practice in t',e arts 3f 
 fishing and hrunting, to 1e-!1loo an appreciation of real 
 , portsma ns hip. 
            1; also hope eventually to interest some of 
 the boys in going into ehe field of game manaement - 
 i dislie tne term. Conservation.   We have one boy who 
 already has this intention. 
            It is easy to see that I have set up very 
 ambitious o jectives to be rr~ached in one or two years 
 during vrhic&. about seven hours a .rwek would be devoted 
 to the program. VurtherTL<-re I am not an expert ih any 
 branch of the field and will have to depend on our state 
 fish an- game department and one the fevw really expert 
 local op ortsmen for t'7chnicnl help. 
           I am vitally interested in the subject and