ym*e to 
the Dsintion Authorltles he brouht on a hear of rendeer,, these 
etoioer were tuhberular but it in believed that thwzu  the *ourue 
of tim  thq hwve thrown off the disease and are no healthy an 
isMsse.     .tilIy all the pm.e Intrwf4     by Heaier has dtoe o- 
twemle well, the progess of the oeor has been ouitstaning it bon 
est imate4 that at the resent tine there are o  quarter of a alliou 
of thoe. anin* spread all over the Island, rubbi to and pawtrldges 
awe to be found in large mnubers and the awnu4 take of beaver is 
about WO pelts the lntroductlon of rbbit,, atet. ard deoo pro- 
vide4 ver abwunant food tor the fox, wh$oh was native here, and n 
the        take o foe avew8gon about 1200t mad up about 01 red* 
40ý OosS Lnd l6 silvew. proteotion given to wild goee and ducks 
has produced ezoellont results, In the fall these blrds awe proveen 
*a the Island by thousan~so 
     At Port Monier,, *roMeniow eract. a Villa for his own aopaomo..o 
tieo an4 that of his guets, t.is building Is very beautiful an. 
quite uniqu. The building io very beautifully eeo-rated "t furnshae

land it would take ve7 m    ore spaeo that io available hew. to e*u 
serate all the artioles It oontaivs, briefly to mention a few; in the 
large raIntroo-n, there is a large fire-plao_ mate of   rko Famd 
Sam designed by a French artist espeolally for this bulldin, wtle 
the fire.plae one fints an original Scandinavlan wood oarvig of the 
X11 oe@esvy a large table, which on ooon sIn i used &a a dining 
table and oWmAir to math of old bluok oak of the pewio4   Lo.4s xif 
On the wlls tUewe are tour anolent FWlazera tapestries of the XZY 
sentr, one of he wimost beautifal things In the room Is as ancient