   fThi s thc f irst a  I eve s- wha shwe strngpous 
   a* to. the~ origi of' 13. aMI '-s 
   tamai  , dwi bmi* Afwlatn  T* v3-6ast 44   if~ of & eaa a 
lb. o maks thi a ad4 aot &rlo &dudabXlyae 
th . inteva between ovrtockinad starvatl. 4.wovu1  th noscareAc 
ot fv&ntam~m fn the bard wite of s#2-3 and the IN o 
the ramc to going doy .. wostws      m u.a 
    TheOW uatit o 5.e aMsl. mat also w be dcesin by roi11.of 
sb1iMw~ b o~aks% Mut, hRntnboon growin si im e frs, o the. 
-al 1930s. Tota bnm. it we mape is~ cl ieal tAWda iby Sti 
  kiling-ou o  ro"lest sprots by doier to tree*I wheo at.p aesi.~ 
abvetnt  dew~ ~sosr-lizali eyti.,      t 
hMOM -I*tMM tSe em  stls, o a.r hav ~ V*a Vfl.ll ki 
  look ~ I se~os boo  .sw 193  lbme.vy. 20) incea so ofaas w4ay