                                                    F. G. GARNER, CHAIRMAN

                                                       WINTER HAVEN. FIRST
                                                    THOMPSON S. BAKER. .JACKSONVILLE

Game and Fresh Water Fish                           W. L 
                                                       THIRD DISTRICT 
                                                    H. L. SCHALLER. MIAMI

            TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA                       FOURTH DISTRICT 
                                                    JOHN 5. CLARDY. OCALA

                                                       FIFTH DISTRICT 
               October 14th, 1938 
Dr. A. Leopold 
1432 University Avenue 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Dr. Leopold: 
The State of Florida through its Commission of Game 
and Fresh Water Fish is planning to avail itself of 
fund. available under the Pittman-Robertson Bill and 
will possibly have as one of its projects a Cpail 
Management Study. 
If this type of project is undertaken, it will be 
necessary for us to employ a technician who has had 
special training along this line to supervise our work. 
If you know of any one suitable for this position, I 
would appreciate it if you will furnish me with their 
name and address so that I might contact them in the 
event our project materializes. 
Thanking you for your cooperation, I am 
                       Very truly yours, 
                       1. 1. Kennedy, 
                       Rxecutive Secretr. 
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