This ara lie in the brek of f~unce Qmm* au incluA a fring of 
     tbaýAoiln loelupwAon the esth atio.  It Is a fair v2ap of the
   ben ~rte  ml. ". -hr awaese&aokuo~           This 17*crs ontains
ones or posolibly two miels.  It is aa.bla of avi~on up to ton co~yes. 
            oce -   hree gm ~sa u brush oc~u rmw corn n row  oo   The 
rule.  One cooczv        south lia of tbammo hnla   qa",a 
befiW teA. The other *emir  m the nor  wd iieen  idswmdrd isOa1        v

b7r o5sne heA-v The ol roo to oudwn8 foot dV     )reveting a -wn  ma 
        souh-aori bak weh=  wih bom, The patueslp to the smth is coee 
          The"t is oee foods in th fo  of ocn~ds In Goypar ,of ths 
  G2400 The Job Is tn f~g e.4h cormfie4  with rmse aA brsh 
          The not-aiCbwit of the q* mt If*e limntated at thr -Mse 
        winer c~vr. The costt of woods md Aatn*  posuibly iseublo -, yvtin

     ,but oýf no us* in vint*r, 
            Begnnng t the northaa~te of the arv ca ro~ t rse by feneln 
         tw crnrsof"tre  Te ldhe, ffrd bat.      Thi will Mad mw ,w
         Just sot of this w etm fence off rcre  fteoatdwoo        Mas 
a koll lnthe adamn rvtv  loyba&       "adhwuhs         l   tlng
wtntevs .ani o on the, sun  4loe of the ail4dm  " can lot in gvs  dr
winter haqros      oetobatls-nund         n  ontex    emto-n 
wA hat  s. 4l~  prsevet. The Q" ft Lmlls, %?m th  lers ha rrv us 
will be idea nst~n nM rostine griun.    This will Madd  seeAn nowane 
          Wlot of 'he r, -o r  now nalvd b~atng into onte     n 
  m~y. The aaonwod  s ppm tmwiUdl Punsh nestlrý,mu      This will
          ProeViTW now to eust edge of tie are, we &,7l ulnils  tmet-n
the dr= boadln ecnth into the com  Thp o    norh *lope, sor rm  the exm 
heas )f the drv hr the 'vnheasterl an vster:y a" sesNle.      IT* ra'-a

a fmnlt an posibl a fifth now cooy hnrs