114     Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 
    The census plot was only 240 by 240 feet due to the configura- 
tion dY the available area. 
TAM VIII. Number of mammals caught, calculated density per acre, and 
      composition of population on a juniper bluff, October 15-18, 1941.

                                        Calculated   Composition 
        Species          No. mammals     density     by per cent 
                            caught      per acre     of population 
Reithrodontomys megalotis      2          0.7             6 
Peromyscus mantiulatuw        14          4.0            31 
Peromyacus leucopus           20          7.7            58 
Mus musculu8                   2          0.7             5 
Total                         38          13.1          100 
                 Red Cedar-Red Oak Pasture 
    This woodlot was composed of an open stand of red cedar and 
red oak occurring in about equal numbers, with a few scattered 
depressed junipers. The ground cover was sparse, made up 
chiefly of an intermixture of bluegrass, a panic grass and an 
occasional clump of little bluestem grass. A few small scattered 
patches of prickly ash and black raspberry were all that re- 
mained of the shrubs. Among other herbs and weeds present 
were wild bergamot, prairie clover (Petalostemum), prairie 
lespedeza, St. John's wort, hoary vervain and mullen. 
    The drastic effect of long continued grazing of woodlots on 
small mammal populations is evident in Table IX below. The 
only apparent reason for the woodmouse population holding up 
was the excellent places of retreat afforded by the litter of 
needles under the cedars and amongst the depressed junipers. 
  TA=LS IX. Number of mammals caught, calculated density per acre, and 
         composition of population of red cedar-red oak pasture, 
                         October 2-5, 1941. 
                                       Calculated    Composition 
        Species          No. mammals     density     by per cent of 
                            caught      per acre      population 
Peromyscus leucopis           11           3A            92 
Mus muiclus                    1           03              8 
Total                         12           3.7          100