PULLMAN, WASHINGTON 
                        Jan. 8, 1929 
                                                      IN REPLYING TO THI6
LE'" nE 
                                                         PLEASE ^PORK*$;

                                                      DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY

                                                      STATE COLLOGE OF WASHINGTON

                                                      PULLMAN. WASHINGTON

Mr. Earl A. Fry 
702 Hoge Bldg. 
Seattle, Wash. 
Dear Mr. Fry: 
Thank you very much for the prospectus of the Quail Fellowship. 
I have a student here at the college who is working on the 
winter habits of the Bob White in an effort to determine the 
reason for their scarcity in this country. 
This young man, Mr. J. Faul Miller, is well fitted for the type 
of work to be undertaken. He has taken his major work in Zool- 
ogy, and has sufficient botany to enable him to determine the 
various plants in quail covers. He is expecting to take some 
more work in ornithology in the spring. Hence, his interest 
lies in that field, and it is a very keen interest. I think 
that he would be an excellent candidate for this type of re- 
search. He will obtain his B. A. degree in June of this year. 
Although I cannot say definitely as yet, I think that the col- 
lege would be glad to receive one of these fellowships. I 
think that we can find suitable grounds for experimentation 
close to Pullman, in fact, Mr. Miller tells me that he has 
located one area on which there are two quail coveys within 
a very short distance of the college, and the Union Flat area, 
some five miles out, is an excellent area for experimentation 
of this type. 
Just what is the formal method of applying for one of these 
fellowships? I think that without doubt we can obtain leave 
to lease the necessary grounds, but I should like to see you 
before I talk to the president. 
Our next meeting of the Izaak Walton League will be on Jan. 25, 
and I wonder if you can talk to us then about these proposed 
fellowships, or on your trip to California. Please let me 
know if you can be over here at that time, as we are all anxious 
to have a chance to talk with you about Waltonism in your sec- 
tion of the state. 
                  Very sincerely yours, 
DJL: LH           D. J. Le 
#8                Asst. Px