Report on Annual Meeting 
                 Montana Sportements Association 
                        January 9-10, 1931 
     The meeting just terminated has proven one of the most constructive

and valuable gathering of this Association since its inception sone seven

or eight years ago. 
     Constructive thought dominated thruout the entire session which was

attended by a representative gathering of delegates from a widely dis- 
tributed area of the state.   A raise in the amount charged for fishing 
and hunting licenses with the idea of furnishing the game commission with

more money for work they are now carrying on and the value and need of 
research work for the state were the two outstanding issues before the 
     The resolutions which are to be incorporated into legislative bills

to be presented to the legislature which is now in session include the 
         A split license fee system as follows: $2.00 fishing, $2.00 
     game birds and small game, $2.00 big game, combination fishing 
     and game birds and small game $3.00. The big game license to 
     bear a tag to be placed on the game when it is killed. A post- 
     card report form is to be attached to each license whereon will 
     be made a report of the fish and game taken during the year, 
     with penalty attached for failure to forward same to the game 
     department at the end of the year. It is thought that this new 
     license fee will give the department about $100,0   more than 
     they are now receiving and at the same time take care of a 
     needed census of the game and fish taken during the year. 
         All state game laws to conform to the Federal game regulations.

         Allowing the State Fish and Game Oommisdon the power to regulate

     all seasons and bag limits on all fish, game, game birds and fur 
     bearing animals. 
         Allowing the Commission to change the boundaries of game refuges

     as already established by the legislature and to regulate the 
     boundaries of those which may be established in the future. 
         Eliminating the use of salmon eggs in all waters of the state. 
     (The use is now prohibited in the streams.) 
         Prohibiting the shooting from or across a highway or railway 
     right of way. 
         Prohibiting the use of artificial lights f hunting or fishing. 
         The protection of bear and the establishment of seasons and limits.

     A resolution was introduced whereby all posted property would auto-

matically be made a state refuge. This was supposed to take care of the 
condition where farmers posted their places for their own use.   It was 
in direct conflict with the policy adopted at the National Game Conference,

which the majority of the delegates seemed to be opposed to, but as it was

rather drastic the resolution was tabled but with the request that the