K. 0. PETERsON. PRESIDENT 
                                         LOGAN. UTAH 
DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND RANGE                    September 29, 1930 
         Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
         421 Chemistry Building, 
         Madison, Wisconsin. 
         Dear Mr. Leopold: 
                  I am very sorry to hear that we will not be able to 
          obtain the fifth fellowship which is unalloted to date since we

          were hoping very much that we might be considered. 
                  You mention that the Institute of which you are in charge

         will have somee fellowships within a year and a half's time. May
         ask if we will be favorably considered for one of these fellowships?

         We were very glad to get a lead in regard to the new organization

         called "More Game Birds in America, a Foundation"* You
may be sure 
         we will write to them and see if it Is not possible to obtain help

         from this quarter. We also appreciate receiving the Memorandum of

         Agreement between the Institute you represent and the Bureau of

         Biological Survey and the University of Minnesota. This will give

         us a great deal of help in working up cooperation here and show
         the basis on which this cooperation can be distributed. 
                    I am returning the Indiana repor and certainly was delight-

          ed to receive it.  There is no claestion but what we need a good

          many more basic studies of this character to determine just what
          be done along the line of game conservation. I would also be very
          to see the Wisconsin report if you could send it. You may be sure

          that I appreciate greatly the cooperation you have given us in
          matter of advise and so on and we will of course continue to work
          our project and try and complete it as soon as possible. 
                                                  Sincerely yours, 
                                                   T. G. Taylor 
                                                   Professor of Forestry