cber 12, 192 
Mr. S. Ouar Barker, 
Sat To, low Mexioo. 
Dear Omri 
       it m  very nice of your to en me the autogape       cow  of 
  nuakaro Ballas".   I have road part of them .and enoe    themn very

decidedy, I am taking the book~ along on a trip for a real thorov 
.       I greatly a   at your      r   - with a coy. 
       With best wishes, 
                              Yours sn rely, 
                              ALPO LEPOD 
                              In Charge, Gam  Surey. 
Dictated by Mr. Leopold. buti 
sige  d4uing his absec to 
.void dely. 
52 Chestry buldn 