G (L) 
          Fi s & G,-jaApril 27, 12.29. 
S , Carlos Avery, 
   2273 W:Oolwor th -3l4 -,-# 
       New Tort City, N, Y. 
Dear .ýre,,*Vvery. 
       I have  ouit to the attention of a mber of 
sportan the value and euoationl character of articles 
appearin- in "American Gm" Last evenine the mn listed 
below in    ted an interest in this mtter and I promised 
to request that you send them sample oopies for thir ex- 
   Dr. L. D. Pfouts, PNyson, Utah. 
   A. 1, Tnapson, 42L Postofftie Place, Salt L   1City, Utah* 
   L. L, Bu nell . FR. ID o, No, 1, Provo, Utah. 
       imoW the -liz local sportamen's associations in 
the inte     tam statoo the need o. rouching Inzdivididuals 
with eduoational ,,rtioles is praotically apparnt. You 
are famlliar with the results aooomplishedby the "Pine 
Com   In Aitzona when Leopold was cowxaoted w;ith Ito pub- 
lication and also the "Big Horn" publisheA in "LOntaxa, 
It is dtif loult for the state organizations in several of 
these states to finance and edit suoh a publication. It 
has ooowured to me that possibly provision mlopt be nde 
for the preparation In ory°nsiderable quan ti. in what 
might be de~oribed s "bo,5   plate fom" of g.enml 
articles of an educational nature on ý'ih and Su oon- 
.rvation with provision on one or two blank pfAes for 
-the printiN of articles of a local nature which might 
fill the req~irements at a very low cost. This is pre- 
\ented as a genral idea and I would be glad to )mo If 
you think that development of this kind iuld be at all 
                      Very einoerlyr ys, 
District Forest Inspotoro