STATE OF CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO 
     OFFICE                         I. TINOCO, Owner 
  ELPASO, TEXAS        HUNTING        AND GUEST          RANCH 
    The Terrenates Ranch is located in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, about
175 miles South of 
El Paso, Texas, on the Eastern slope of a branch of the Sierra Madre mountains.
It covers 100,000 
acres of fine grazing land bordered on the South by mountains that rise in
elevation to 9,000 feet 
above sea level. The mountains are well covered with a wide diversity of
vegetation, including red 
and white oak in the lower levels, and pine in the higher areas. There are
many springs and cool 
mountain streams along the trails that make it very convenient for the hunter
and camper. During 
the Fall and Winter, the days are cool and comfortable while the nights are
snappy; medium to 
heavy clothing will be found most appropriate. 
    The Terrenates Ranch is an old Mexican cattle ranch preserved in the
tradition of the old West 
and Mexico, now open to HUNTERS and non-HUNTERS. Formerly belonging to the
famous Don 
Luis Terrazas, known as the cattle baron of the world, it is one of the most
beautiful portions of his 
once great domain of nearly 7,000,000 acres. It is regularly stocked with
a herd of approximately 
five thousand head of cattle from which are picked a number of especially
fine specimens of long- 
horn steers to have appeared in the now proposed movie "Arizona."
Col. Charles Lindbergh once 
landed on an improvised field close to the ranch house some years ago, when
the ranch was owned 
by Luis Leon, Minister of Agriculture in the Mexican Cabinet, who was host
to the intrepid aviator 
on that trip. 
    The mountains are well stocked with white tail deer, cinnamon bear, mountain
lion, turkey and 
quail. Ducks and other water fowl abound in the small lakes in the valleys.
The scenic beauty of 
the spot, the abundance of game, together with generous bag limits, and the
bracing climate, all 
combine to make the Terrenates ranch a veritable hunters' paradise. 
    The ranch house is at the foot of the mountains and very conveniently
located so that hunters 
can be out all day and return at night to a good hot dinner and a warm bed.
There are accommoda- 
tions for twenty people, with all modern comforts and a Chinese cook to prepare
meals. There are 
complete outfits for camping in the open under the stars. Gentle horses and
other attractions are 
provided for women and children for whom an American hostess is also available
if necessary or 
desired. There are plenty of horses and saddles in charge of English speaking
guides, equipped for 
any type of expedition. 
     Guests wishing to go by train can secure transportation via the National
Railways of Mexico 
from El Paso to Gallego, Chihuahua, where they will be met and conducted
to the ranch in a station 
     Hunters bringing their own cars can have them bonded in El Paso at a
small cost and can drive 
all the way to the ranch. There is oil and gasoline along the road. If it
is not desired to take your 
own car, we will furnish transportation by station wagon to the ranch at
reasonable round trip fares. 
     Fully experienced men meet guests at El Paso, Texas, where all details
as to passports, licenses, 
etc., are promptly and efficiently handled at a minimum of expense. All legal
formalities and require- 
ments are under the supervision and cooperation of the Mexican Federal Game
Warden and the 
Tourist Department. 
     For rates and further details, address your inquiries to: 
                                             G. B. CARMICHAEL, Agent, 
                                                 Terrenates Ranch Office,

                                                     Hotel Paso del Norte,

                                                          El Paso, Texas.