This olipping from the Home, Everson, Wash. 
                       WILD TURKEYS BEING RELEASED 
     "Sportsmen in several of the counties throughout the State are
Ina to be offered something new in the way of hunting in the near future,

according to Sam F. Rathbun, state supervisor of game and game fish. 
     In a recent report to Charles R. Maybury, director of the depart- 
ment of fisheries and game, Rathbun stated that a number of wild turkeys

had been allotted to several of the county game commissions for prop- 
agation purposes. Among the counties receiving allotments were Yakima, 
Glark, Thurston and Whitman, the latter receiving the greatest number. 
The birds were propagated and reared at the Steilaooom game farm by Super-

intendent James Preokleton. 
     While the activities of the division of fish and game are centered 
primarily on the propagation of Chinese Pheasants the division has, for 
the past year or so, been conducting experiments with wild turkeys In tAe

hope of being able to propagate them in larger numbers if it was foun4 the

birds could adapt themselves to the wide liversity of range land the state

     The ones released to the counties mentioned are strong, healthy 
birds and the game officials are hopeful they will thrive in their new 
environments to the point where an open season can be offered the hunters

In a few years."