.q om. Leo:pold 
decided upward trond for this year. (uaj Iove probbly increased mre 
satisfacteriy over the ertire stete this ye.r thon r y t'r      -ice 123.

         i o. enclosig a graph which i    ebut ns pc rL te Ls i cZU  dLrw

from the infrmtion avail"ble. 
         "Lt hust re b bred, in considrr t   oil o southwest 
Texas, that there is no winte    ortality fro   weather. Coycote   ini abund
iha bit much of tio  Suil c0untry as do otr      redatror.  Vinte  hek  
atio int   t 1F terri.ory is ot ItVo very heavy. 
                   e consider Qester  La   as t      1. borer  te raW:e 
f L obLi, v. 
        The l01st~of lon gitude :i boh t the western bounrdary of ilbwites,
e~ cept In 
        the Panho ndle pr~oper w ere t ey oro so~tt oes feirly ohundoant,
        west of this line. T is ney lo eoxpliaind by topographic conditions
in t oc 
        ±Panhandle ovnd the high altitude of tha t section, though
I am. not vory stron g 
        on thc lt Iitude tU eo r. Fl1uctuations in th iPa 1nhandle are violen
t, usually 
        produced by hea'vy wiitoers precedig drou sunmeirs. Suoh o condition
 Svailed in 1929-0. Rel iabe rep orts indicate that many birds h ~ . it 
A          +. ±.....  + ti r  -ci wd ra~1ri  hvi ckens in fz.'hr abnd
uc et 
[  of tho l0lst~of longitude, in,-ediate~y  o~lov the P~o.handlt.   e do
not find 
   aoy of thum, E t t0>s t   e  in tie westar    otion o    the ion  
 lo but fifd 
t.. tem fairly ibundant &t of. the 101st of lon~titde in the Ianh andle.
   n. ortion  f  Te uas  whic  is borderod  by  the  Re  River,  cannot te
6ullod  the 
ed :e of tho Bobwh ite ranghe becaus.e .o th pouli tic. of thiese birds In

Okiahomas. hben we get es for hiowever as Wilbi r~r an i u~rdeiar Countieos
we ore approoc    g tho wostern ed&  of t ei ra>e f      j tAL  a
rticul  r 
tion of the Stite ond thero begin te notice b    luequii In  7 ~bw its onte

cone terrwin. Irairie 1h ickens f-omerly exto ,dd as f vr estwrd t  a A unt

Courty. In early days Tympannchus                          '_jrico us wfs
ob nd t i t voci tt 
of D~alla wcn t e on 1'ciis orgy dovoted to grozin g. 
         1il dicu.soed, th, otle  day, te  uestio  of muai! obundi 'ce or

th o ri-s In oeh -it vii. Caosar illeberg whci theo oanagor of this prpet

O (d ixho is. a11 ardet siortolcn V closo obborver. Ne a ~eod fi elly that

0~ only WSJ we 'o ~d iitie t. ocouratoe~    1011~ WOul  be by a careu -cesus,

  '~ic ,0 hop  to be  bleo I  s c' as soon 1s   o i-ttlc  o kes hve dennod

  ~ursuficiently to      t    t o uevbird   ogs. You w1_ 1 'occil to~t oe
  eloJrs ritt~osr~s as a facto tc be roec'o-ed with in a y c otrol roeasures
that seclion of t'                                 Ctt. V, Nuece (anyor Us
n hvcIde Kounty ard, 
Ilere'ore, st on thie edgoe I              t    h 
ouf 7 nhabit t e'rogion I o     L r b  I    'e reod irruptiPns 
  of uil in that cotr     it~  i s~ ver  liy     I t vi< 'co'eued os rep
         Your :ifor~sto that Bc4% Ite qr~i2 a'o ocassio ally ore 1}un- 
ezt on the ede lf tir r70ge Us crroct Fccrd' t A e eri  M   n 
this &tato. Di' irit andi Lavole (ountics  re or ,o o die o f to rage
lBobw1 item. 1% is verf litely thamt quill sW ft I ore1 n Sotlwest T eox,

w ere  ot.-r is lofter  ac scarit of witor, tham  t      iyd  ii ror obi
v~ateredl sectior~s. 