Nw Sfl. Bailding 
                                     Pbraey IS# 1935 
   PrfV. Genumsoff 
27 W.Wdnadaya Street 
Leiga    (14) 
U. , 3. R, 
Dva Professor Genorosfft 
         I vo  muk am~rocato rmivin your tw*pbi& 
tions1 e an  I am iiti  , r V t  f the U, S, DiologI1, 
amvs  to *   bte    eposshibl has facilties foget- 
  tigte  translated. I hav no dout the contain m 
miaterigl vibh would4 be of great value to ubtas yon~ 
know, orms tery of foeg          Is noto  u   poor. 
         oTe pubications *i     ym speciiclly ask for 
are of the sort which the Biolgical ftr, rather tha 
avaolf. has aviabe   I am askin Dr. M*Lts tosedy 
"hat he can of the see items whih     m ~metion, 
                      Your* sincrely# 
                             Ald Leo"14 
                        1A are 04w Q   sa